Kaleido release of Besu 24.5.2
- Note, Besu re-released 24.5.2 as 24.5.4 with updated pre-req references
- Change log for the open-source release: https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/blob/release-24.5.3/CHANGELOG.md
- Commit in Kaleido's fork: https://github.com/kaleido-io/besu/tree/kaleido-besu-release-24.5.2. If building Besu
as part of a Kaleido offering it must be built from this commit. - Kaleido additions to the open-source release: hyperledger/besu@release-24.5.3...kaleido-io:besu:kaleido-besu-release-24.5.2