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Kai Blumberg edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 52 revisions


This page is now organized by Topics. Original search was based on in which I searched MGNIFY for Skin samples to find the 35 studies. They are sort by samples and numbered throughout this page e.g. 1). The other search was FROM NCBI where I searched human skin metagenome and trolled through the 251 results to find potentially useful datasets.


Ulcers diabetic and wounds

11) Longitudinal study of the diabetic skin and wound microbiome 258 samples. Is this one that you've seen before? from Seems like a good place to start.

Ten type II diabetic subjects with chronic foot ulcers were followed over a time course of 10 weeks

Some metadata, I'm guessing you've seen this or this is one of the studies you already have/want to use? Can mine info from the samples names: Sample Patient 5 skin adjacent to wound time 4

29) Microbiome samples derived from Buruli ulcer wounds and non-Buruli ulcer skin ulcerations 14 Samples topic is related to what you want. Has an associated paper, Metadata on MGNIFY isn't great but the paper might have stuff that's useful. NCBI Metadata is better. Worth checking out. Amplicon.

human skin metagenome 58 samples 16S.

Skin microbiome of Japanese elderly in relation to the onset of pressure ulcers (Staphylococcus species-targeted sequencing) One of the most prevalence and challenging problems for elderly in Japan is the onset of pressure ulcers (PU) during being cared in hospitals and/or their home. Could be relevant.

Skin microbiome of Japanese elderly in relation to the onset of pressure ulcers Could be cool if you can figure out the treaments, not clear from the metadata but age and sex it. Who does and doesn't have ulcers isn't clear unfortunately. So probably no.

Metagenomics samples from neuropathic diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) Metagenome 199 biosamples lots of metadata relevant to topic. Check it's the same as the MGNFIY study. YES look at this.

Saudi Diabetic foot ulcer microbiome "Investigation of the neuropathic and neuroischemic Diabetic Foot Ulcer Microbiome" 76SRA 38 biosamples. ION Torrent WGS but one useful metadata field isolation source about the condition. SRA name also could be useful e.g. Neuroischaimic ulcer. Could work although it's not amplicon.

Temporal stability in chronic wound microbiota is associated with poor healing 382 samples. About diabetic foot ulcers. Lots of metdata (also lots of NA's) but could be interesting about wound healing, diabetes types etc. Timeseries though maybe a bit unclear how to work it out. Amplicon. Has this seemingly parallel project about fungi same grants and researchers.

The microbiological signature of human cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions chronic skin ulcers only 10 samples but maybe enough metadata to be interesting disease stage treatment age sex sample location.

Microbial composition of diabetic skin 24 samples. Has a disease state, and skin location field.

Evidence for cutaneous dysbiosis in dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa 35 samples. Has patient field.

Eight DEB patients were sampled at three different sites: untreated wound, perilesional skin and normal (uninvolved) skin.


Genomics, Biomarkers and Mechanisms of Healing in Chronic Wounds 82 samples chronic wounds maybe interesting. host: age, sex and disease fields. Could be cool.

Microbial predictors of healing and short-term effect of debridement on the microbiome of chronic wounds 60 samples.

Wounds maybe relevant but metadata is unclear to me. Looks like it has pre and post debridement and skin vs Wound exudate.


Acne microbiome modulation 241 biosamples. Description has enough metadata that you might be able to piece this together. Maybe.

Human skin metagenome associated with acne (human) 82 samples. Has decent metadata and a way to get more though the dbGaP authorized access system. also seems to be the same.

Isotretinoin and lymecycline treatments modify the skin microbiota in acne 133 samples good metadata Treatments with diff drugs different sites. Could be a decent example.

Factor experiment.

Metagenomic study of the human skin microbiome associated with acne - Demonstration project for Human Microbiome Project (HMP) 300 biosamples 209 SRA. I see dbGaP study so maybe related to Might be able to scrape subject affected by acne, sex and skin, study disease Acne Vulgaris. Could work.

Fecal and skin sample collection from hidradenitis suppurativa and healthy subjects 53 total Samples. But only a subset are skin. Of those there are lesion non-lesions. Sex, age, weight, diagnosis. Could work.

Skin microbiome from hidradenitis suppurativa patients 83 samples.

Has some metadata like dermatology disorder with values like hidradenitis suppurativa which is a subclass of inflammatory disease in MONDO Could work.

Skin Conditions e.g. Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and rash etc

1) Gene-Environment Interactions at the Skin Surface

Longitudinal study lots of samples 2758.

Seems good,says it has timepoints, amplicon, part of HMP, MGNIFY has some metadata per sample about the body site and sex. Perhaps worth looking at. Has papers associated can get more metadata from them

looks to be part of HMP mentions Atopic dermatitis (AD). 4664 biosamples 3389 SRA. Links to Non-tumor DNA sample from volar forearm of a human male participant in the dbGaP study "Skin Microbiome in Disease States: Atopic Dermatitis and Immunodeficiency" so related to other dbGaP samples. seems to have tumor or not and mentions a longiudinal cohort. Big dataset would be cool example if we can sort it out. Might find simpler examples though. Might be related to 1) from the MGNIFY results.

Also links to Gene-Environment Interactions at the Skin Surface - Demonstration project for Human Microbiome Project (HMP) 4695 biosamples 3434 SRA. In theory has disease states but I don't see any obviously identifiable in the biosamples. Maybe can get the metadata from elsewhere?

Skin microbiota in atopic dermatitis Lots of samples 652 on NCBI. has skin condition info healthy vs legion also skin location, sampling season, sex, severity level for AD. This could be cool.

Skin swabs of 16 AD patients and 16 healthy controls (HC) from four different skin sites, i.e., antecubital crease, dorsal neck, glabella, and vertex from multiple time points were analyzed by DNA sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) and 16S rRNA gene for fungi and bacteria, respectively.

human skin microbe 57

To explore the differences of microbial species and microflora structure on human antecubital fossa between healthy volunteers and patients with atopic dermatitis diseases

Metadata on NCBI might actually be reconcilable between healthy and atopic dermatitis patients using the Description text field. e.g. skin microbiota on antecubital fossa in atopic dermatitis patient. Works but a little less clean.

16S rRNA gene fragments from skin and guts of early infants suffering from atopic dermatitis (AD) and/or food allergy (FA) - a pilot study 209 SRA samples.

2 associated publications a ton of supplemental metadata could be interesting the group file has AD and FA. Could figure out groups from that. Could be ok but have to figure out the metadata.

human skin metagenome in Atopic Dermatitis 29 SRA EXPs which have basic metadata on disease vs control/

Antimicrobial function of skin microbiome in atopic dermatitis only 40 samples but has skin with/without staph infection lesion site and tissue sample site. Maybe.

20 more samples about atopic dermatitis (AD). Maybe if you do this topic.

Skin microbiome associated with atopic dermatitis 324 samples legion and non legion. Adult vs child (or similar factor). I think has associated metatranscriptom but not public.

20) Human Skin Microbiome Metagenome

106 samples lack of metadata on EBI/NCBI Bioproject. However SRA sample names have the metadata on control/Atopic Dermatitis and sometimes skin site and I think Lbe hard to use alone I think. although it links to 22 EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of the Human Skin Microbiome Metagenome (human skin metagenome) data set. Maybe can be used if there's more metadata there.

Also links to 23) EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of the Human Skin Microbiome Metagenome (human skin metagenome) data set. 94 Samples. Links to 19 and an EBI paper EBI Metagenomics in 2017: enriching the analysis of microbial communities, from sequence reads to assemblies. maybe can get something from there? Maybe of these dataset link to that paper or similar EBI papers. Unfortunately here the metadata is very minimal. Amplicon and assembly probably not useful.

Skin microbiome in small and large plaque parapsoriasis 52 samples Helsinki Finland again Better metadata stuff like earlier parapsoriasis diagnoses ==07/2013 parapsoriasis Maybe can do something with this.

The human skin and oral microbiome in healthy individuals with psoriasis risk factor LCE3B/C-del 147 samples. Maybe metadata is a bit subpar. Description filed gives the Late Cornified Envelope (LCE) phenotype. So could figure it out but perhaps less relevant? Uses LCE proteins as evidence/risk factor for psoriasis.

Perioral skin in healthy subjects vs. perioral dermatitis

has data on dermitological disorder sex face or hand dominant hand. Could be cool 88 samples.

300 samples The cutaneous microbiome in out-patients presenting acutely with skin abscesses with/without abscesses metadata not great but can prob get those control and condition. Could be cool.

Bacterial and fungal communities of psoriatic patients 522 samples has metadata on disease state and skin location. Could be ok.

More helsinki stuff. 64 samples about skin melanomas decent metadata like host disease status So could work as factors.

Changes in the skin microbiome associated with squamous cell carcinoma in transplant recipients 572 samples. Maybe. Has at least 2 factor for skin disease states, and something to do with transplant recipients. Not sure if all samples are transplant recipients or if that's another factor.

Microbiome of healthy and leprous skin over multi-drug therapy 302 SRA samples. Metadata's bad in biosample but SRA names are health and Leprosy so Maybe could work to do disease vs healthy.

Other Longitudinal Style Experiments

3) Topical treatment interventions elicit personalized and site-specific shifts in human skin bacterial communities

Lots of samples 1484, theoretical has different treatment groups but lacks metadata on MGNIFY, amplicon. Could be interesting. Has treatment field with e.g. Betadine, Alcohol Water control etc. Betadine could be represented by CHEBI:Povidone-iodineCHEBI:8347. etc. Consider. Be a good example of treatments in a data model.

effects of three clinically-relevant antiseptics, alcohol, povidone-iodine (Betadine), and chlorhexidine, on cutaneous bacterial populations

13) Skin microbiome in human volunteers inoculated with H. ducreyi Raw sequence reads

191 samples Infected people with a skin bacteria have time points could be relevant. Have a treatment and longitudinal study. No publication but might be able to figure out treatments from the sample labels Sample 398-3-D1, Sample 396-2-Pre perhaps replicate 2? pre-inoculation, description is H. ducreyi 35000HP inoculated Maybe could be useful. Skin microbiome in human volunteers inoculated with H. ducreyi Raw sequence reads Skin with/without H. ducreyi infection Some interesting metadata 191 samples on NCBI. Maybe a little trick to piece together metadata but has infection phenotype e.g pustule outcomes as metadata.

Longitudinal 1625 samples Longitudinal analysis of microbial interaction between humans and the indoor environment env skin interplay may or may not be relevant but could be a good dataset if we choose to do something like that.

Knight infant time series - 1 massive 1000 sample dataset with lots of metadata maybe look at?

MG_baby timeseries similar to above Knight infant time series - 1 also about babies and metadata about parents.

The Fecal, Oral, and Skin Microbiota of Children with Chagas Disease treated with Benznidazole Work looking into 255 samples (I guess a 3rd of which skin) Lots of metadata including UBERON terms and treatment type. Basic time series with at least pre and post treatment.

Longitudinal assessment of the influence of lifestyle homogenization on the microbiome in a cohort of United States Air Force Cadets Might be cool but it's mostly dust not skin samples it seems.

The impact of skin care products on skin chemistry and microbiome timeseries with products but may not be able to piece together from metadata.

The Effect of Dog Ownership on the Microbiome of Elderly Humans 544 samples lots of metadata! pretty cool study if topical. Time points after getting a dog. Could be cool as an example of timepoints with a treatment.

Topical antimicrobial treatments elicit shifts to resident skin bacterial communities and reduce colonization by Staphylococcus aureus competitors 608 samples but I think it's mouse and maybe also human. Effects of antibiotics on recolonization by staph. MAYBE.

Longitudinal study on Babies.

The skin microbiome of very low birth weight neonates Helsinki Finland again sounds like Alise's lab. Decent metadata but is more about neonatal babies. is similar also Finland but no metdata about age. Seems like it's septic vs aseptic environments.

Puerto Rico and Plantanal 767 Samples. Lots of metadata longitudinal baby study. Oral Skin and other sites. Perhaps interesting, Questions like the microbiome of any babies that had a C-section.

An 8-week single centre, double-blind, randomised controlled, home-use study to evaluate effects on skin bacteria and protection of skin with resilience under tracked city environmental aggressors 582 samples. Can extract timeseries from biosamples along with UBERON terms for sites. Consider checking out. I think pairs with for fungus. Timeseries.

Developmental Ecology of the Human Microbiome - Restoration Study of babies. 1016 samples About vaginal vs C section births but has lots of metdata may or maynot be able to reconstruct the time series or which mother is with which baby.

Puberty associated changes in skin (longitudinal study) 327 samples has associated paper could mine this.

9) EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of the PRJNA266117 data set (Human skin bacterial metagenome and Virome Metagenome). 504 samples. Metadata not amazing maybe a little tricky to piece together.

From an EBI paper which might have more metadata to pull. Maybe assemblies not amplicon. Longitudinal study but I think only or mostly viruses. Links to EBI's 10) Human skin bacterial metagenome and Virome Metagenome with 503 Samples but not in MGNIFY links to the above study which is just a dulicate of 9).

16) EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of PRJNA415710 data set (Elucidating the dandruff and non-dandruff scalp microbiome in Indian women and assessing the effect of coconut oil on it).

Longitudinal 798 Biosamples. Says it's a longitudinal study dandruf with/without oil treatment

on MFNIGY 143 samples. Links to EBI paper maybe. Also links to EBI 17) Elucidating the dandruff and non-dandruff scalp microbiome in Indian women and assessing the effect of coconut oil on it 142 samples I think related to or same as above) 16 no samples on EBI so probably the same as above or not usable.

8) Human skin microbiota Metagenome 1364 samples on NCBI

527 samples on MGNIFY. Study seemed good explored the differences in the bacterial community structure associated with seven skin sites in 71 healthy Chinese over six days and its correlations with age, gender, physical skin parameters .... but unfotunately the info didn't make it into MGNIFY and there's not publication. Looking on NCBI there might be enough info in the sample names to piece this together. E.g. lable DNA-Seq of subject 1111's back of hands: elderly Male suburb P1 can work with this.

In this study, we explored the differences in the bacterial community structure associated with seven skin sites in 71 healthy Chinese over six days and its correlations with age, gender, physical skin parameters, and whether participants lived in an urban versus suburban location of the same city

In theory this is a cool timeseries but the Biosample data isn't great, SRAs are better maybe able to piece together the timeseries. Be cool if we can make this work. TBD. Idea from Ramona's playbook we can compare data of ages against qualtiative terms like adolescence with a bit of reasoning or a script as to normalize that data using semantics. to compare across datasets.

Might be a timeseries if we can piece it together.

Other Factor Style Experiments

12) Impact of the Mk VI SkinSuit on skin microbiota of terrestrial volunteers and an International Space Station-bound astronaut

204 samples. Maybe not relevant? Has an associated publication. Basically no metadata on MGNIFY.

22) Human skin bacterial and fungal microbiotas analyses

96 samples. Can do healthy vs dandruff.

[From] skin bacterial and fungal microbiotas from healthy and dandruff subjects, comparing scalp and forehead (lesional and non-lesional skin sites).

Could be good if you can make sense of the samples, e.g., LH06-T1-16S_S86_L001_R1_001 no publication. Amplicon. NCBI biosamples has decent metadata.

Human Skin Microbiome Data treatments of skin before and after swimming in the ocean. Maybe could work.

FACTOR experiment.

89 samples. Comparison of skin microbial communities at the site of mosquito bites. Probaby can get the 2 conditions although 16 maybe unavailable? Maybe.

FACTOR experiment. Environmental biodiversity, human microbiota and allergy Helsinki again Decent metadata stuff about allergy tests etc. Cool if this is something of interest. Have other Factor exps to use if not.

Impact of topical emollient therapy with sunflower seed oil on the skin and gut microbiomes of children with severe acute malnutrition in Bangladesh 1190 samples with treatment famine status and skin or fecal samples. Different topic.

340 SRA. Relationship between the skin microbial communities from a variety of body regions of intimate cohabiting couples. Lots of metadata surveys, where the skin is from. Worth checking out. Maybe not a typical factor/Longitudinal study but interesting to get stuff like this into the datamodel.

Cutaneous Burn Injury Promotes Defects in the Bacterial Microbiome in Autologous Donor Skin: Implications for Skin Grafting Outcomes Only 25 samples but seems to be burn and not burnt and I think skin grafts. Factor.

Taxonomic profiling of skin microbiome and correlation with clinical skin parameters in healthy Koreans. Can get young vs old and male vs female 102 samples. Perhaps more like a survery but can maybe test young vs old.

Human Facial Skin Microbiomes in Korea Women with Sensitive and Non-sensitive Skin which is microbiomes. Has associated fungal project Human Facial Skin Mycobiomes in Korea Women with Sensitive and Non-sensitive Skin Maybe if you want fungus. Might also be associated with and

Other Survey style experiments

2) Moving pictures of the human microbiome

Many samples 1968, has skin oral and fecal, (could subset down to only skin). Amplicon, has some metadata.

4) Flores_forehead_EBI

760 samples all forehead skin, amplicon. Might be timepoints based on the lables but hard to tell. Unpublished and not well documented, Better on NCBI.

related to: 19) Flores_palm_EBI

109 samples, seem like it's related to 4. May or maynot be able to make sense of these labels to make a coherent dataset. No publication. Amplicon. Better on NCBI 932 samples PCR amplicon. Lots of metadata in biosamples uberon terms diseases like chicken pox etc could be cool.

5) Body site is a more determinant factor than human population diversity in healthy skin microbiome

Works as a SURVERY

644 samplels amplicon. on EBI Has publication which might have more metadata if not skip. 645 on NCBI. Also has ethic group but probably not a useful metadata field.

6) Dorrestein_3D_metabolic_map 900 samples in NCBI.

585 samples on MGNIFY. Amplicon. Sample lables have free text body sites. Could ontologize and search for these. Could be used to populate a catolog of UBERON body sites. Lots of metadata but not much more that can be done than that.

7) Patterns in the skin microbiota differ in children and teenagers between rural and urban environments, 584 samples, metadata not great.

American Gut Project 32100 biosamples from a vareity of body sites with a ton of metdata maybe not as much skin and the questions are more about diet but could be cool to take the skin from this if making a larger DB of UBERON annotated SKIN sites. MAYBE.

Bacterial colonization and succession in a newly opened hospital 2756 samples UBERON site data could be to just populate the get me any data bout x body site. Interesting though Not a timeseries.

"New insights into the factors driving the skin microbiome" 2548 samples different skin locations 16S, said they did a questionaire, but it's not linked if you could find it i'd be great, but otherwise it's just decent. Survey.

Human Skin Microbiomes in Young and Old Women Raw sequence reads more from Chung-Ang University (Korea). Has young and old skin samples. Many datasets like this.

human skin metagenome Targeted loci environmental 170 samples Maybe has dermis and epidermis samples and body site.

Bacteria communities of human skin skin several sites on children between 1 and 10 years of age, along with the participants’ mothers. Maybe can piece it together from metadata? Maybe not.

Chinese human skin metagenome 860 samples metdata about sample location but nothing beyond survey.

16S amplicon sequence analysis of skin microbiomes from Japanese individual 148 samples from various skin sites. This could work with other projects if we want to do general comparisons like scalp vs Forehead etc.

Human skin metagenome and 16S Swabs and scrapes from different skin types 188 SRA Experiments various body sites in metadata maybe scrap vs swab but not clear.

PMS Skin microbiome data 52 healthy skins with age no.

human skin temporal metagenome Raw sequence reads 484 samples with some metadata of where on body. Says temporal but I don't see how to get a timeseries out of this survery at best prob no.

Global patterns of 16S rRNA diversity at a depth of millions of sequences per sample - 3 prime Some skin samples but only has useful metadata about uberon site.

Many like this from City University of Hong Kong but barley any metadata so probably not worth it even if 200 samples.

and maybe more of these, uncontacted indegious people in South America contains skin samples could be interesting to compare to non indeginous modern folk. 66 samples each. Could pair with other studies to make this a factor.

Could be cool across elevations but data isn't clear. Would have to use the lat long to determine the elevation as that's not provided but is the point of the study. Survery at best.

70 samples has data on patient age and gender but just "skin" nothing more specific. Amplicon.

Aging Associated Changes in the Adult Human Skin Microbiome and the Host Factors That Affect Skin Microbiome Composition lots of samples but doesnt' look like we can infer the ages. So only works as survery.

Human skin microbiota and related microbial functions depending on the ages idea is good but metadata is missing for age and more specific skin types. Less useful.

Deciphering the role of skin surface microbiome on skin health: an integrative multi-omics approach reveals three distinct microbial / metabolic clusters Has age gender and skin site. Only 16 samples but decent metadata. Amplicon. Survey with age and specific skin location.

14) Understanding the microbial basis of body odor in teenagers and kids 179 samples.

Metagenomics samples of multiple skin sites (underarm, neck & head scalp) from teenagers and kids. Has a publication associated with it. Might be able to infer from lables e.g. Underarm_kid_1h, Assemblies not amplicon. Paper associated with it. I believed linked to 15) EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of the PRJEB26427 data set (Understanding the microbial basis of body odor in teenagers and kids) but the assemblies done for a separate EBI paper. No public data on NCBI for 16. Would work as a survery.

25) EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of the PRJNA413474 data set (MTR skin microbiome).

48 samples. MGNIFY version Links to EBI 2017 paper. Assemblies and I think these are about skin contact with trains. Assemblies Links to 26) MTR skin microbiome 46 samples, linked to above 25) project but no samples here so only above has value. This and above are probably not useful unless there is something about them in the paper.

21) Isolation and Identification of the Follicular Microbiome: Implications for Acne Research 101 samples.

Lack of metadata be hard to use. I don't think there any indication of samples with or without Acne. Survey at best. Links to 28) EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of the Isolation and Identification of the Follicular Microbiome: Implications for Acne Research (PRJNA435265) data set. with 16 samples which I think are the assemblies to the metagenomes in the above project, which lacks metadata.

Not useful

27) EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of the Skin metagenomes (human skin metagenome) data set. 73 samples on NCBI. Unfortunately the you can't find the metadata on the disease states from the NCBI biosamples or SRA names.

33 samples on MGNIFY, links to 22) above 26) Skin shotgun metagenomes from psoriasis patients These are the assemblies probably of the metagenomes from that other dataset. Unclear if this and the above are decipherable alone.

Same as MGNIFY 24) Skin metagenomeswith 73 samples.Skin shotgun metagenomes from psoriasis patients`. Links to a publication can maybe get more metadata from it. Some metadata maybe useful?

34) 16S rRNA gene profiling of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis patients compared to healthy volunteers

Says only 1 sample but there are actually 538 NCBI SRA samples. Has an associated paper maybe worth looking at the paper and seeing if there anything to it that you can use.

Skin swabs were collected from the lesional skin of a large cohort of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis patients and subjected to 16S rRNA sequencing on the Roche 454 platform.

Would be great but there's not obvious way to get the info on the disease states vs controls.

Longitudinal. 128 Samples. Infant nose swabs for 2 years. Metadata on NCBI Bioprojects are bad. I think this would be hard to piece together from what's publicly available.

Links to 18) EMG produced TPA metagenomics fasta_path of the Longitudinal_Nasopharyngeal_Microbiome_Dynamics_in_Infants_from_the_Maela_ARI_Birth_Cohort (PRJEB25223) data set. 120 samples. Links to EBI paper. Assemblies sparse metadata.

30) EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of the Identification of fungi and ameba from human wound genomic sequencing (human wound) data set

13 samples but not actually anthying there. Also links to the EBI 2017 paper. Check that paper but this is not useful. No public data.

31) These samples are selections from a larger cohort that were selected for the participation in the EBI metagenomics training in Sept. 2015

10 samples Illumina WGS metagenomes Metadata is not great maybe can make sense of lables AD posterior_thigh PT NON_LES Probably not worth it.

33) Whole genome sequencing of metagenomes extracted from palms of two individuals

2 samples WGS from palms not super helpful. if you can find (Nejman et al. Science 2020) as a paper to get context. Biosamples are soil. Forget this.

150 samples metadata Really bad so not worth it.

Viruses if desired? More like this on NCBI not in this list.

would be very cool with antibiotic treatments but I don't see any public data so no.

Allergy, living environment, lifestyle as well as skin and gut microbiota in dogs and their owners sounds like Alise's Lab with a large questionaire, unfortunately useless without the metadata bout the dogs/environments. Unless Alise knows someone who has it.

Ulcers but only 3 samples so probably no.

32) Metagenomic study of healthy subject using P. acnes SLST 8 samples Links to a paper which might be relvant but in MGNIFY there is no data here. Not amazing.

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