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210 Build: Schematic

Anthony Good edited this page Aug 15, 2020 · 10 revisions

Basic Unit Schematic

This design will provide you with a basic keyer with command buttons, a potentiometer speed control, speaker sidetone output, and two transmitter outputs. The Arduino Uno, Nano, Mega, and other board versions and variants can be used, however the Arduino Mega is highly recommended. This video goes through the schematic and other "getting started" topics.

Note: Ignore the numbers on the outside of the Arduino symbol and refer to the numbers within the box for pin connections (i.e. D2, D3, A0, etc.) All capacitor values are in microfarads (uF), unless otherwise stated. No values are super critical and typical tolerance components may be used.

Arduino Nano Keyer

Marc-Andre, VE2EVN, created this schematic for his keyer build using an Arduino Nano.

ve2evn keyer schematic

Large Version

Additional Resources

These detailed building plans by KF4BZT may be helpful to people new to building this sort of projct.

This Fritzing Breadboard Plan may also help in breadboarding your first prototype. (User contributed) (Note that this model uses D3 and D5 for the paddles instead of the standard D2 and D5 pins.)

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