This is my implementation of a blockchain - Quark.
You can experiment with it in the main.cpp file. Follow through this README file to check out the functionalities and brief implementations of the methods provided.
meson build
cd build && meson compile
The main binary will be created in the build folder with name : "quark" after compiling with meson
- Previous Hash
- Timestamp
- Index
- Money Transfer
- Debtor
- Creditor
- std:string toString() : Converts the data struct into a string
- Constructor:
Block::Block(long long unsigned int& index, utils::Data& data, unsigned char*& prevHash){
this->index = index;
this->data = data;
this->timestamp = utils::getTimestamp();
strcpy((char*)this->prevHash, (char*)prevHash);
//strcpy((char*)this->hash, (char*)hash);
- Calculate Hash:
bool Block::calculateHash(){
// Calculate hash and set it to hash variable
std::string stringStruct = this->data.toString();
unsigned long long int len = strlen(stringStruct.c_str());
SHA256((unsigned char*)stringStruct.c_str(), len, this->hash);
return true;
- Block Count
- Chain (std::vector<Block>)
- Constructor:
Blockchain::Blockchain(std::string debtor, std::string creditor, long long int moneyTransfer){
// Create genesis block and add it to the chain
utils::Data data;
data.moneyTransfer = moneyTransfer;
data.debtor = debtor;
data.creditor = creditor;
long long unsigned initialIndex = 0;
const char* zeroConstCharArr = "0";
unsigned char* zeroHash = (unsigned char*)zeroConstCharArr;
Block* genesisBlock = new Block(initialIndex, data, zeroHash);
- Get Latest Block : Gets the block added recently to the blockchain
Block Blockchain::getLatestBlock(){
return this->chain[blockCount - 1];
- Add New Block
bool Blockchain::addNewBlock(Block newBlock){
strcpy((char*)newBlock.prevHash, (char*)(this->getLatestBlock()).hash);
return true;