Use in case where you have a long str like this : "aaAaAAAaaAaAaaAAAAaaaaaAAaAaAaaaAAaAaaAaaaaAAAaaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAAaAaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaAAA" Where a = 0 and A = 1
Sample for bruteforce html form, with username and password in wordlists (Sample for DVWA)
Sample for get string of web page and replay it in md5 hashed
Sample for bruteforce html form, only with password
Sample for bruteforce password (in format of md5 hash) on TCP port
Sample for get and break captcha on web page (for resend it decoded)
Sample for connect to irc server and solve mathematic problem ( calculate root square * 2 and get two number after coma)
Sample for connect to irc server and decode the base 64 string
Sample for connect to irc server and decode the rot13 string
Sample for connect to irc server and decode the zlib stream
Sample for check the difference between 2 files
Sample of reverse shell basic
Script for exploit path-truncation of php5.2 Sample : -u "" -t admin.html
Sample of script for bruteforce md5 salted with a string or something else ....