This is for if you want to host a WavernChat server! Read our update log here:
So you can even open the java file, you need the Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and JDK (Java Development Kit) Download: JRE ( JDK (]
When you host a server, you will have to host it on your machine. and the IP will be your IP
You dont have to do this if your only gonna use your server to chat with family or close friends, but for security reasons we highly suggest using a VPN
you dont have to, though.
You can also alternatively use a VPS or a VM to host your server.
This probably speaks for itself, but you need a internet connection to host a server.
If you havent read the other things, thats still relatively fine. but if you dont read this, you wont be able to setup a server.
So that the people on the Wavern client can connect, you need to get the port.
- Edit the Server.Java file by right clicking on it and pressing edit
- Go to the bottom of the code and locate the line that says "ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(1234);"
- You can change this to anything you want, you can also keep the default one but make sure to check if the port is not already in use!
- Get your servers IP Address, heres how you can locate it:
Go to the command prompt and type in "ipconfig" scroll down to the bottom and locate the line that says "ipv4 address" copy it give this to your friends and tell them to join using that IP.
Go to the terminal and type "ipconfig getifaddr en1" copy that and give it to your friends and tell them to join using that IP if that doesnt work, try "curl".
- "curl"
- "ifconfig -a"