Welcome to Twitch Plays Pokemon - Distributed Systems Version!
Created twitch plays pokemon, but not hosted on twitch. Where does distributed work take place?
- Playing under the rules of democracy...MAP REDUCE!
- Create web front end that talks to master node
- Utilize AWS resources to execute workload (EC2 & EFS)
- Master node divides work up to slaves to be parsed
- Slaves return a total of each move entered into chat to be aggregated
- Master sends the chosen move decided on by Map Reduce to the host, and the game executes the move
- Justin Richard
- Adam Kroon
- Tyler Potter
- Nodes require multiple extra files/symlinks which could not be included, therefore you cannot simply download and redeploy this
- Nodes are no longer active (I don't feel like paying to keep it running)
- IP: removed
- RTMP Server: rtmp://removed/live (Stream key: "test")
- User: ubuntu
- IP: removed
- User: ubuntu
- IP: removed
- User: ubuntu