Pipelines for processing and QC of data from Smart-3SEQ or classic 3SEQ. Most scripts will show their usage options if you invoke them with the --help
flag. Most scripts have hardcoded constants defined at the top so you can customize them to your needs.
Wrapper to call bcl2fastq
with preferred settings and simpler usage. Mostly used with NextSeq data so some features might not make sense on other platforms (e.g. --no-lane-splitting
could be bad on HiSeq).
Removes the poly(A) tail, moves the UMI to the read metadata, and discards the G-overhang in every read of FASTQ data. Generates a simple log of trimmed read lengths. align_smart-seq.sh
etc. invoke this but let the aligner do the poly(A) removal instead. Much faster with PyPy.
Starts from a list of single-end Illumina FASTQ files and aligns them into sorted, indexed, duplicate-marked BAM files. samtools
and STAR
are expected to be in your PATH
and UMI-dedup locally installed. You must provide the path to a prepared STAR genome directory. pypy
and pigz
are preferred for performance but not required. Note that STAR uses a lot of memory, e.g. about 25 GB for the human genome, so be sure to run this on a suitable computer.
-n [length]
: extract leading UMI of specified length (default 5)-g [length]
: discard specified number of bases after UMI (default 3)-t [length]
: truncate reads to specified length-d
: skip duplicate marking
Version of align_smart-3seq.sh
to use on computing clusters powered by SLURM (submits a job array).
Experimental pipeline using Salmon to quasi-align the data with special options that make sense for 3SEQ. This doesn't seem to get good results, though.
Makes a table of gene expression, including read counts, TPM, and optionally DESeq2 rlog, from a list of BAM files. rlog may take a long time with large numbers of samples so this can be disabled with --no-rlog
Categorizes alignments by their positions relative to annotated genes.
Makes graphs and tables from the output (log files) of align_smart-3seq.sh
or equivalent.
Makes graphs of trimmed insert lengths from the log files of umi_homopolymer.py
Collects the log files from STAR alignments into a simple spreadsheet.
Wrapper to run FastQC after trimming the data with umi_homopolymer.py
Uses a very (too?) simple algorithm to find sites in the reference sequence that might attract off-target priming with the oligo(dT) anchor.
Marks or removes reads from a BAM file that are inside unwanted regions in a BED file. Not sure if this is useful.