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jvmahon edited this page Dec 31, 2021 · 7 revisions

Thermostat Setup - Config.json

Simplified Setup

The plugin now supports a greatly simplified method of setting up thermostats. See the sample configuration file config.simple.json in the "config" directory. Simply list each thermostat's root device in the array. For example, if you have 3 thermostats with corresponding root devices 111, 222, 333, then specify them as:

"Thermostats": [111, 222, 333],

Multiple Room Support

This plugin allows you to create duplicate copies of a Thermostat in HomeKit so that you can place the same Thermostat into multiple 'rooms' on your iOS Device. See instructions Show the same device in multiple rooms

Customized / Complex Setup

You may also set up Thermostats as "type":"Thermostat" in the "accessories" section of your config.json. This implementation assumes your HomeSeer thermostat uses separately referenced control devices for setting the heating and cooling temperatures,

This method is more complex and more likely to lead to errors specifying the Thermostat, so use this only if the simplified methods don't work.

You can add a Thermostat by including an entry in the accessories section of your config.json like so:

"name":"Living Room", 
"ref":5,                        // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that reports the current room temperature
"heatingSetpointRef":6,         // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that controls heating temperature
"coolingSetpointRef":9,         // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that controls cooling temperature
"controlRef":4,                 // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that selects mode:  Off/Heating/Cooling/Auto
"stateRef":7,                   // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that reports the actual operating mode (Off/Heating/cooling)


"ref" is the current temperature device;

"heatingSetPointRef" is the target heating temperature device,

"coolingSetPointRef" is the target heating temperature device,

Note - if your system only supports heating, you should only set "heatingSetpointRef"; similarly, if your system only supports cooling, you should only set "coolingSetpointRef"

"controlRef" is the device to select the heating mode (Off, Heat, Cool, Auto), and

"stateRef" is the device that reports the working state of the system ("Off", "Heating", "Cooling").

You may also specify an optional humidity sensor via "humidityRef" and optional device to control relative humidity using "humidityTargetRef".

See below for the parameters to be set in your homebridge config.json file to create a Thermostat device. You should NOT include comments (the '//' part and text following '//') in the actual config.json file -- those comments are here just to explain the purpose of the various parameters, but including comments in an actual config.json file will generate an error!

"name":"Living Room", 
"ref":5,                        // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that reports the current room temperature
"heatingSetpointRef":6,         // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that controls heating temperature
"coolingSetpointRef":9,         // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that controls cooling temperature
"controlRef":4,                 // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that selects mode:  Off/Heating/Cooling/Auto
"stateRef":7,                   // Identifies the HomeSeer Device that reports the actual operating mode (Off/Heating/cooling)

"Control Use" Control Fields for stateRef and controlRef

Note that some drivers set the "Control Use" field for stateRef and controlRef incorrectly.

Please check the "Control Use" fields for your controlRef and stateRef devices and set as shown below.

Note that the "controlRef" device will generally include an "Auto" while the "stateRef" device will not.



I've deleted most of my "old" installation instructions that used to be here. Homebridge has updated their instructions and they are now more comprehensive than what I had. Just follow their instructions:

And be sure to use config-ui-x. Its really great for setting up the plugin.

Configuring Devices

These instructions are now a bit out of date. You can follow them to set up the plugin, but there is now a settings interface in config-ui-x which makes it much easier.


Why won't my device names change after I edit them in config.json


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