This repository houses the Jenkins plugin for creating and editing Pipeline jobs within the Blue Ocean user interface.
❗ Important! This software is a work-in-progress and is not complete.
(here be dragons, this may not be up-to-date, etc)
- /.storybook - Configuration files for React Storybook.
- /doc - Documentation resources
- /src
- /main
- /js - Some top-level things like ExtensionPoint implementations, and jenkins-js-extension.yaml metadata, etc
- /components - Contains EditorDemo.jsx, showing an example usage of the visual editor component
- /editor - Contains components and shared utils / types for the visual editor
- /declarations - Flowtype declarations for externals
- /stories - Test case stories for React Storybook
- /components - Contains EditorDemo.jsx, showing an example usage of the visual editor component
- /less - CSS Styles, in .less format
- /resources - Misc plugin resources. Contains index.jelly required for Jenkins HPI
- /js - Some top-level things like ExtensionPoint implementations, and jenkins-js-extension.yaml metadata, etc
- /main