This is a piecemeal rendition of the University of Arizona thesis class
) reworked to be compatible with Rmarkdown
. The majority of the
heavy lifting was already done by colleagues in the Department of Planetary
Sciences at the U of A (see the uathesis.cls
file for more information). In
essence all I have done is include the proper adjustments so that it plays
nicely with knitr
. To the best of my knowledge (and my abilities), the LaTeX
class uathesis
is fully compliant with the Graduate College formating
specifications (see here, updated March 2015). As of Summer, 2015, knitr
and R are fully functional. That said, a few minor issues still remain (see
In order to render the master.Rmd
file 'out of the box' you need to have
the following r packages installed:
- dplyr
- ggplot2
- xtable
- lingStuff
- Knitr captions
- include captions from knitr call
- include figure in LOF from knitr call