is a little program that posts a message to Slack whenever a new Pokémon is detected near your location. You can install it for your own Slack team in ten minutes!
- Posts one message for each interesting Pokémon near target location
- Configurable algorithm to determine which Pokémon are interesting
- Links to Google Map directions from start location to Pokémon location
- Colour coded by rarity
- Alerts
when a rare Pokémon appears - Cute Pokémon image on each message
In order to install slack-pokebot
, you'll need to have permission to add an Incoming Webhook to your Slack tea, and will need a Heroku* account. You'll also need a Pokémon Go account you don't mind using to make the API requests.
Make sure you're logged in to the Slack team you want to install slack-pokebot on, and go to
Choose the channel you want the bot to post to (ours is called #pokemon-notify), make a note of the webhook URL, and customise the name of the bot if you like.
Save the settings.
Now click here, and follow the instructions:
Please note that if you're using a free dyno you'll need to enable the worker
dyno - see this issue.
We've used Loggly, a cloud-based logs service, during development and have left in the option for you to use it if you choose. Just set both of the LOGGLY
environment variables with details from your account.
Otherwise, the easiest way to spool logs to a terminal is to run:
heroku logs --app YOUR_APP_NAME -t
Idea and code by @katyemoe. Awesome metrics feature and many other improvements by @ChrisJMajor. Come work with us at Improbable.
Still under active development - features should not be considered stable.
*It's also easy to install on any other cloud platform that can run node.js programs - PRs to add instructions welcome!