A Simple Console HTML Console Viewer for Lazy Developers who do not want to open developerTools->Console everytime while building the app
Simple ... Just include the debugconsole.js file inside your HTML file
For now download the file from the repository into your js directory and access using the script tag
<script src="/js/debugconsole.js"></script>
In future once a friendly CDN player uploads this repo, you should be able to change this script loading to point to CDN and receive the latest version/ specific version as per your design
Once this is done when the page is loaded in the browser the script exposes a log function. You can use it as follows:
log("<Your Text>")
The Script also inserts a transparent console window on the screen with sixe 25emx7em . When the mouse is over this screen it expands to fill about 75% of the screen width with black background.
###Thats it ...Its that simple to use. I'll make it complicated in future releases ;)