v0.88- Bugfixes and new stuff
- Fixes direct creation of fat32 files, to reflect that the new modes create split nsp or xci files for fat32 sd cards directly if set in the config.
Current implemented modes:
* For now the pack options under "SPECIAL OPTIONS" are not supported
- Added mode 7: FILE-JOINER mode to join fat32 .xc*,.ns* or *0
> For *0 files drop the folder if you have several *0 files to join to not confuse the batch operations, for .xc* and .ns* files joins are grouped by filename
- Fixes bug in verification where RSV check bar stays after finishing RSV check on unlockers
- Fixes bug in verification where hash verification gives a really slow speed on some files.
- Fixes bug in some modes with files that use keygeneration 2
- Fixes bug where info mode 1 doesn't show the total size of deltas
- Fix nacp reader for xci files
- Fix Language and nacp offset detection in some games
- Fixes titlekey verification on nsp and nsx dlcs
- Added main.npdm reader for nsp and xci files
- Add raw extraction option to advance mode so files with messed nca headers can be extracted and verify the nca independently
- Added romaji option to db so outputting names in romaji can be turn off
- Added extraction of ncas in plaintext to advance mode
- Added extraction of nca contents to advance mode
NOTE: For now plaintext and extraction of ncas will skip program ncas in updates.
Process is done without extraction of ncas from nsp\xci with a fallback that pre-extracts the nca if the the sections are not correctly detected.
NOTE2: Consider extraction and plaintext options on early stages.