Creates Spotify playlists using your Youtube Playlists
Install Google APIs Client Library for Python:
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
Install google-auth-oauthlib and google-auth-httplib2 libraries for user authorization:
pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2
Install Spotipy Library:
pip install spotipy --upgrade
1.Create a Google api key
2.Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID
3.Download the JSON file that contains your OAuth 2.0 credentials.
proj_keys.yt_api_key = 'Your youtube/google api key'
proj_keys.yt_client_secret_file = 'Your JSON file'
Create a Spotify Client ID
Get Client Secret
proj.client_id='Your Client ID'
proj.client_secret='Your Client Secret'
Create a SpotifyMaker Object
Call the makeYoutubePlaylist() method