To use the different applications in this repository run the following docker commands:
To start the jenkins server build the image directly from the Docker file:
docker build -t eci-jenkins-docker runtime/jenkins/
Otherwise, you can download it from docker hub using your personal docker hub account:
docker login
After logging into your docker hub account you can pull the image for the jenkins application from docker hub.
docker pull juanmacoo/eci-jenkins-docker
To start the container in linux just run the following:
docker run -d \ # Run Detached
--dns --dns \ # Enable google dns to access Github
-p 8888:8080 \ # Publish Port
--name jenkins_master \ # Set container name
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ # Use local docker docket
-v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home \ # Set named volume to persist jenkins files
juanmacoo/eci-jenkins-docker # Built image name
To start the container in windows just run the following:
docker run -d \ # Run Detached
--dns --dns \ # Enable google dns to access Github
-p 8888:8080 \ # Publish Port
--name jenkins_master_win \ # Set container name
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ # Use local docker docket
-v jenkins_home_win:/var/jenkins_home \ # Set named volume to persist jenkins files
juanmacoo/eci-jenkins-docker # Built image name
Additionally, since docker in docker for windows requires root permissions, lets add them then restart the container:
docker exec -u root jenkins_master_win usermod -aG root jenkins \
docker stop jenkins_master_win && docker start jenkins_master_win
To start the node app, build the image directly from the Docker file:
docker build -t eci-nodeapp nodeApp/
The start the container using the built image:
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name eci-nodeapp eci-nodeapp
To start, lets first build the springboot app:
cd springbootApp && \
chmod +x gradlew && \
./gradlew build
Then, build the image directly from the Docker file:
docker build -t eci-springboot .
Finally, start the container using the built image:
docker run -d -p 8181:8080 --name eci-nodeapp eci-nodeapp