- Week 1: Intro to HTML and CSS
- Week 2: CSS Box Model, Positioning, Icons/Fonts, Centering, and Responsive Design
- Week 3: CSS Units, Intro to Bootstrap
- Week 4: Example Project (Build a Portfolio)
Above follows this curriculum
- Week 1: Intro To Javascript
- Week 2: Operations, Arrays, and Functions
- Week 3: Objects, Branching Logic, Loops
- Week 4: ES6 and Basic Data Structures
Above follows this curriculum
- Week 1: ES6 continued
- Week 2: Data Structures Continued
- Week 3: Functional Programming
- Week 4: Algorithm Scripting
Above follows multiple free code camp sections:
- ES6
- Basic Data Structures
- Basic Algorithm Scripting
- Functional Programming
- Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
- Week 1: Intro to React
- Week 2: JSX and Rendering Components
- Week 3: State
- Week 4: Conditional Rendering and Events
Above follows this curriculum
- Week 1: Node and NPM
- Week 2: Intro to Express
- Week 3: Intro to MongoDB
- Week 4: Intro to building Restful Apis
Above follows this curriculum
Full-Time bootcamp picks-up where part-time leaves off.
- Researching, and learning something new
- Debugging, and pushing through having difficulty completing something (getting stuck)
- Stepping away, and knowing when to get another set of eyes
- Staying curious and open to other ways of doing things, there are many ways to solve a problem
- Give input but don't be opinionated
- SOLID, YAGNI, other abstract design principles
- All basic and intermediate commands
- Git
- Bash scripts
- Running docker images
- Type signatures
- Classes
- Enums
- Interfaces
- Generics
- Many routers
- Middleware
- Error Handling
- Cors
- Configuration
- Services
- Files
- Other Apis (stripe, twillio, mailchimp)
- Logging
- Advanced Modeling
- Related Data
- Search
- Aggregation
- Indexes
- Permissions
- Paging and Sorting
- Mongoose
- Models
- Resolvers
- Mutations
- Routing
- Single Store
- Auth
- Component Libraries
- Themes
- Mobile and Desktop views
- Unit tests
- Integration tests
- E2e tests
- Gitflow
- Issue based tasks and prs
- Working with others
- Real world group projects
- Performance
- Monitoring
- Deploying
- Logging
- Prod down
- Algorithm and interview prep