Hesci! James Cv hocefkv tos. Semvnole este cate omyat chittvlke vm liket tos.
Hello! My name is James and I am a citizen of the Seminole Nation and I belong to the snake clan. 🐍
I am a front end web devoloper. I have lived in Oklahoma all of my life and graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma. Though my undergraduate degree was in Strategic Communications I have spent the majority of my career in education. While working for Muscogee Creek Nation I realized that the tribe would outsource all of its tech needs. I began to reflect and realized that most tribal nations have no internal departments that do app or web development. I began to look into the industry and stumbled upon a local coding bootcamp called OkCoders. I hope to learn and grow in the industry so that I can go back and help elevate our tribal nations within the tech world.
I want to be a devoloper that uses creative thinking to solve real world problems. I am currently working on a JavaScript based game that will help users learn the Mvskoke Languange. I have completed the first version.