This is a multiroom Digital Thermostat for the Raspberry Pi. It can be used in combination with a heating system that can be controlled using electronic valves. features:
read data from 'unlimited' sensors DS18D20, DHT11, DHT22, AM2304 (the limit are the number of GPIO pins). the DHT sensors require adafruit ''
Round Robin Database for logging data
dynamic web/touch interface with highcharts graph
connection to relay made with a shift register for future expandability
reading and logging of temperatures every 10 min
At this moment the logging and measuring runs quite stable, there are some issues with the httpserver (it drops out, but I don't know wy)
git clone
sudo apt-get install python-daemon python-pip python-rpi.gpio python-requests python-bs4 python-rrdtool
sudo pip install apscheduler
if you use one-wire sensors also load the kernel modules
sudo modprobe w1-gpio
sudo modprobe w1-therm
sudo echo "w1-gpio" >> /etc/modules
sudo echo "w1-therm" >> /etc/modules
ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/
check if this list has some devices. copy these ID to your settings.ini
setup the settings.ini file
name = 'kitchen'
sensorid = 28-0000058877bc
sensortype = 1-wire
dist = dist1
valves = 4,5
temp_set = 20.0
hum_set = NaN
color = #67E8CE
Since we have to use the GPIO pins we have to run as root. Launch with
sudo ./ start
Stop with
sudo ./ stop
In the root folder of Digit do
tail -f digit.log
to see all logging information.
- add humidity reading and logging for DHT sensors
- advanced scheduling
- stability improvements on the http-server