Potentially useful and hopefully reusable Wonderware stuff. This may be ideas, script, code, SQL Queries, etc. for use with Wonderware products including, but not limited to InTouch, System Platform/Application Server, Historian, Online.Wonderware.com, ArchestrA graphics, etc. - really anything.
All of the content in this repository (code, scripts, logic, SQL queries (if any), etc. hereby referred to as "content") is unsupported. The primary implications of being UNSUPPORTED are:
- By using the content, you assume FULL responsibility for the consequences.
- The content includes NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
- The content has had LIMITED testing and may not work completely as intended and may have unintended side effects.
- Content that currently works with specific products may fail to work following a product update (patch, service pack, major release, etc.).
- My employers, including Wonderware, Schneider Electric Software and any others, assumes no responsibility to answer questions or assist with the use of this specific content.