An architecture-agnostic package of discrete solutions to common problems in C++.
The library's main header (CppPotpourri.h) contains some basic things that I use as a premise elsewhere in the library. Mostly inlines for type-safe min/max functions.
There is also a type-code enum system in use in this library.
A library for dynamic string abstraction.
A data type for describing, parsing, and packing rich data types.
A template for a linked list.
A template for a priority queue.
A template for a ring buffer.
A template for vectors in 3-space.
A class to contain a mess of bitwise flags.
A class for implementing a stop watch from the platform's notion of microseconds.
A class for tracking power demands on hardware. Based roughly on android.os.PowerManager.WakeLock.
A class for encapsulating quaternions. Not as nice as Vector3 yet.
A collection of functions for common operations on UUIDs.
A library for dynamic-depth filtering of scalar and vector quantities.
A library for a configurable serial console.
An interface for representing and handling identities.
A template for implementing I/O queues in a hardware-agnostic manner.
A template to implement a preallocation pool for heap-resident objects.
A class conversion of minmea.
A hardware-agnostic abstraction for non-volatile storage.
A hard-fork of Adafruit's widespread graphics library with modifications to allow a frame buffer, and/or function as a software-only bitmap library.
An interchange interface and utility classes for exchange and processing of vector data.
These have no dependencies outside of those normally supplied by the environment.
- StringBuilder
- Quaternion
- Vector3
- LightLinkedList
- PriorityQueue
- RingBuffer
These have dependency on other classes in this repo...
+---(see notes in KeyValuePair doc)
Documentation can be built with the supplied Doxyfile by running...
doxygen Doxyfile
~/CppPotpourri $ cd extras/doc/
~/CppPotpourri/extras/doc/ $ make
Doc will be output to extras/doc/doxygen
From the root of the repository, you can...
~/CppPotpourri $ cd extras/unit_tests/
~/CppPotpourri/extras/unit_tests/ $ make
An instrumented build of the unit tests will be created and executed. If the unit tests executed without failures, the output will then be left as HTML in CppPotpourri/extras/unit_tests/build/coverage
. Please file an issue if that isn't what happens.
NOTE: The build will be forced to 32-bit, so if you aren't capable of building and running 32-bit binaries on your 64-bit machine, please don't file an issue. The library does, in fact, pass all tests under 64-bit. But because most usage is on 32-bit MCUs, the type sizes and unit tests should reflect that use-case. You can force a 64-bit build by commenting out the -m32
line in the Makefile.
I will gladly examine all merge/pull requests. But you have to be ok with your contributed code being under this repo's license. You will be listed in the extras/doc/ file.
- Hard-tabs are exterminated upon discovery, and replaced with two spaces. Inline commentary is unreadable otherwise.
- I have tried to remain within an 80-character horizontal ruling, but this sometimes hurts legibility.
- The ASCII-art banners in this repo was generated with this tool and is font "Slant" with all defaults. Uniformity of font face is optional, but the entire banner must be within
commentary delimiters to avoid confusing the compiler's parser/lexer with stray\
, or other unintentional escape sequences.
Original code is Apache 2.0.
Code adapted from others' work inherits their license terms, which were preserved in the commentary where it applies.