Klipper printer.cfg config for the Railcore II 300ZL using a BigTreeTech GTR as MCU
Printer hardware that deviates from a standard kit - you will need to adjust these values as appropriate for your printer:
- TMC2209 stepper drivers
- Slice Mosquito hotend
- 5150 Blower Duct for Mosquito
- Hotend is configured for a thermocouple rather than a thermistor
- T8x2 leadscrews with 0.9 stepper motors
- MRW Reinforcer and MRW BLT mounts
- Configuration for an ADXL345 accelerometer for calibrating input shaping is included.
- Standard 713 Maker bed with Buildtak magnetic sheet. Magnet positions for MRW magbeds are not accounted for.
- An additional fan is configured for the electronics enclosure