Build a web app that displays images taken by NASA's Mars rovers, Opportunity and Curiosity.
Use the API key
to get rover image data from NASA's Mars Rover Photos API. -
Develop a UI based on the included wireframes and user stories. You can use any libraries and/or frameworks you like. If a story is lacking enough detail, use your best judgement.
Document the build and installation processes.
As a user, when the page loads, I can see the 'Image of the Day', a random image selected from those taken yesterday by either rover.
As a user, I can navigate to a gallery displaying images taken yesterday by either rover.
As a user, I can filter the images by camera name.
As a user, I want to see dates formatted in the style
Month dd, yyyy
. -
As a user, I want the app to be responsive.
STRETCH: As a user, I can specify the earth date for which to display images.
- npm
- clone repo
- npm install
- npm start
- open http://localhost:3000
- npm test
getImages(filter) (day, rover, camera)
- NasaImage
- Home
- Gallery
To Do
- x setup github target
- x install primeng webpack angular2
- x create service, connect to api via http
- x create home view
- x display random image
- x create menu with home and gallary
- x add date filter
- x create gallary view
- x list all photos from yesterday, display date
- x add camera name filter
- x add date selector to gallery
- x add nasa image service tests
- [] add gallery tests
- [] add image of the day tests
- [] remove bloat from starter lib
- [] refactor to use the NasaImage model and correct model
- [] get e2e testing working and write e2e tests
- [] review linter and cleanup
- [] fix date displays for local timezone