This is supercop-20170718 with a "do-one" script for building and testing primitives one at a time.
DO NOT use this package for benchmarking.
The "do-one" script lets you build a minimal set of primitives for testing the submission you're working on. For example, the RSA-2048 KEM example requires GMP, an RNG, and SHA256. So to build crypto_kem rsa2048 you would run:
$ ./do-one gmp
$ ./do-one crypto_stream chacha20
$ ./do-one crypto_rng chacha20
$ ./do-one crypto_hash sha256
$ ./do-one crypto_kem rsa2048
You may want to read ./bench/hostname/log and ./bench/hostname/work/errors after each call to do-one.
The do-one script reads compiler configurations from okcompilers-short/c{,pp}. You may need to add platform specific configurations to properly test your submission.
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