Our previous work demonstrated that Seroconversion and fever are dose-dependent in a nonhuman primate model of inhalational COVID-19, based on a dose response experiment of the WA-1. The dose response experiment was repeated with the Gamma variant of SARS-CoV-2 and the results were compared to those from WA-1. This repository contains the code and rough interpretation of the analysis of the Gamma vs WA-1 dose response results.
In a previous publication we performed bivariate modeling generalized linear modeling for the fever and seroconversion endpoints simultaneously for just WA-1. Here we repeat that analysis for the Gamma variant and do a comparison between the two variants for both endpoints. To provide clarity into the effect that modeling choices have on our results, I estimate equivalent parameters and perform similar tests on the effect of the variant using a standard univariate GLM approach (as opposed to the bivariate model). In addition to seroconversion and fever, I explore the effect of the variant on shedding rate.
See the RMarkdown document for the complete analysis.