This tool can be used to print blender collection information in JSON format
Example of the resulting blender_collections.json:
"Scene Collection": {
"current_parent": null,
"parents": [],
"inner_meshes": [],
"inner_collections": [
Example of the resulting meshes_for_tags.json:
"Artery": "Scene Collection/Heart/Vessels"
Packages within this project are managed via Poetry or PDM.
Install the needed packages with pdm install
or poetry install
After that you can run the project with pdm run "path/to/blender/file.blend"
or poetry run python3 "path/to/blender/file.blend"
You can also run the tool via Docker instead:
docker build --tag read-blender . # build the Docker container and naming it read-blender
docker run --rm -it --mount type=bind,source="${PWD}",target=/app read-blender bash # running a interactive shell with the necessary dependencies
python3 "path/to/blender/file.blend" # run the tool
The bpy package was build Mac OS 11.2 and newer, for some reason python doesn't detect Mac OS 14.4 as a newer platform for macosx arm. To fix this, download "". Rename the downloaded file to "bpy-4.1.0-cp311-cp311-macosx_14_4_arm64.whl", Where 14.4 is the current Mac OS version and add it to the whl_files folder. And uncomment the following line within the "pyproject.toml" file:
# { platform = "darwin", markers = "platform_machine == 'x86_64'", file = "whl_files/bpy-4.1.0-cp311-cp311-macosx_14_4_arm64.whl" }, # mac os support fix