Python project for my kid's tic tac toe game. Feel free to reuse for your own fun or for educational purposes! It is available in French and English.
Adjust the following based on your environment
- Get Python
- Get PIP
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 migrate
python3 runserver
- Set the language using an environment property of by tweaking
Language for the website. Currently supported: 'fr', 'en'ALLOWED_HOSTS
collection of domain names where the project is hostedDEBUG
set to false when deploying on productionSECRET_KEY
for administration
The following is a French example (fr)
python3 makemessages -l fr -i venv
python3 compilemessages -i venv
todo finish experimental defense play style (Xavier) todo finish English support in JavaScript todo use fontawesome's icons for the game todo use react instead of python views + jquery todo clean up the simulation page