This is my third project for the Udacity Grow With Google Challenge Course.
App features:
- Flags are randomly selected from a database of all countries (defined in country_data.xml)
- Three quiz types
- Three difficulty levels which can be easily redefined in values/country_data.xml
- Scorekeeping which rewards you for difficulty level and number of correct answers in a row (streak)
- A custom adapter, HighScoreItemAdapter, which is used to dynamically display the top 10 high scores
- The app uses Shared Preferences to remember whether this is its first run or not. If it is, it fills the high score board with dummy data (currently "Bob, 0 points, Unknown difficulty").
- A custom class, HighScoreItem. This implements Serializable which facilitates easy saving and loading.
- The app saves and loads its high scores array using ObjectOutputStream & ObjectInputStream which automatically serializes the HighScoreItem objects.
- A custom, circular progress bar. This is defined in drawable/circular.xml. See the TimerDevelopmentActivity for more details about this.
- The Multiple Questions quiz type uses Fragments to dynamically generate its quiz form. The fragments are able to persist across screen rotations without losing their data
I used flag images from
The app uses two-letter country codes to refer to each country internally. I used a combination of country code data from a few different sources and tidied it up in Excel. I also used Excel to tag my data such as "<item>East Timor</item>" so that I could copy-paste the whole list into country_data.xml at once.
You can see it in action here: