Creative (Developer/Designer)
- Bachelor of Applied Military Sciences - AMAN (2019-2023)
- Postgraduate degree in Full Stack Development - Descomplica (2024)
- Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineer - Descomplica (2024-2028)
- Frontend Course - Codeboost (2024)
- Quebec Java Digital - DIO (2024)
- Banco PAN Java Digital - DIO (2024)
I have always been a person very interested in studying and researching things. One of my great passions was the animations and cartoons I watched as a child. In 2010, I began to learn about animation, video and photo editing with Photoshop, and I really liked this area, but it just awakened me to a new field, Graphic Design.
In 2012, I started to delve into my studies in the field of Design and developed a lot of artistic skills, especially with the use of Photoshop (which I still use a lot today). But when we start studying something, we can hardly stop researching and experimenting in our studies, and in 2015, I ended up encountering a new problem: something called Web Development. Web Development didn't seem so impossible to me, but the editing on no coding websites presented me with various limitations, and I couldn't transform all of my ideas and designs into the websites I was building, which made me feel quite useless.
So then, 7 years later and with 12 years of experience as a graphic designer, by hook or by crook, I began to challenge myself to solve that problem: to transform my visually elegant designs into something more, into codes, websites, and apps that could really exist. And since 2022, I actually started my journey in programming and finally all my knowledge and practice in the field of design had a whole new meaning. I have been very grateful for this period, and now, more and more, I'm pushing myself further and further and putting my knowledge into practice.