Terminal: Windows-Terminal
Shell: zsh
Editor: neovim
Note: I am no longer on Linux, so some of these files(kitty terminal, i3)
will no longer be updated
TODO: Make actual scripts to set everything up
Warning: If you want to try out these dotfiles, fork the repo first and review the content that you want to use. Use at your own risk!
Things to do before setting up:
You will need ripgrep and fzf.
In order for many of the terminal icons and powerline arrows to show up, get a nerd-font and configure your terminal to make use of the font.
I am currently using the font InconsolataGo NF
- Install starship first
- Copy both
to the home folder. - Copy the
directory to the$HOME/.config
directory - Restart your shell.
Copy all remaining directories into the $HOME/.config