This rice is mainly coded for Arch, but can be used by any distrobution with slight tweaking. Please refer to this guide when it comes to installation and configuration.
git clone
- Operating System: Arch Linux
- Window Manager: bspwm
- Hotkey manager: sxhkd
- dmenu launcher: rofi
- Notification server: dunst
- Audio manager: pipewire-pulse
- bspwm
- sxhkd
- picom
- picom-animations-git (dccsillag fork)
- feh
- xorg
- xorg-xinit
- polybar
- kitty terminal
- vim
- blueberry
- rofi
- betterlockscreen
- dunst
- i3-volume (modified bin file is imported for compatibility with dunst)
- Yakuake
- flatpak
Section WIP