This repository has been made to to maintain my progress on the CS224n course by Stanford University. It also contains the solutions to the assignments as part of the course.
List of Videos:
- Lecture 1 : Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- Lecture 2 : Word Vector Representation - word2vec
- Lecture 3 : GloVe - Global Vectors for Word Representations
- Lecture 4 : Word Window Classification and Neural Networks
- Lecture 5 : Backpropogation
- Lecture 6 : Dependancy Parsing
- Lecture 7 : Introduction to Tensorflow
- Lecture 8 : Recurrent Neural Networks and Language Models
- Lecture 9 : Machine Translation and Advanced Recurrent LSTMs and GRUs
- Lecture 10 : Neural Machine Translation and Attention
- Lecture 11 : Gated Recurrent Units
- Lecture 12 : End-to-end models for Speech Processing
- Lecture 13 : Convolutional Neural Networks
- Lecture 14 : Tree Recursive Neural Networks and Constituency Parsing
- Lecture 15 : Conference Resolution
- Lecture 16 : Dynamic Neural Networks for Question Answering
- Lecture 17 : Possible NLP Architectures