This is a simple consent app for Hydra written in Go. It uses the Hydra SDK. To run the example, first install Hydra, dep and this project:
go get -u -d
cd $GOPATH/src/
dep ensure -v
Next open a shell and:
- run hydra from docker image (with memory only database; localhost port 4444)
# Download hydra image and run /bin/sh
docker run \
-e "DATABASE_URL=memory" \
-e "ISSUER=https://localhost:4444/" \
-e "CONSENT_URL=http://localhost:3000/consent" \
-d --name my-hydra -p 4444:4444 \
--entrypoint=/bin/sh -it \
# Start the hydra host
hydra host --dangerous-force-http
In another console:
- Connect to the hydra server just started
- Create consent application and allow it to handle consents (localhost port 3000)
- Create client application (localhost port 3500)
# Get a shell in the Hydra docker image just started
docker exec -i -t my-hydra /bin/sh
# Connect to the Hydra
hydra connect --id demo --secret demo --url http://localhost:4444
# Create consent app
hydra clients create --skip-tls-verify \
--id consent-app \
--secret consent-secret \
--name "Consent App Client" \
--grant-types client_credentials \
--response-types token \
--allowed-scopes hydra.consent
# Allow consent app to consent
hydra policies create --skip-tls-verify \
--actions get,accept,reject \
--description "Allow consent-app to manage OAuth2 consent requests." \
--allow \
--id consent-app-policy \
--resources "rn:hydra:oauth2:consent:requests:<.*>" \
--subjects consent-app
# Create client app with client specific callback url
hydra clients create --skip-tls-verify \
--id client-app \
--secret client-secret \
-g authorization_code,refresh_token,client_credentials \
-r token,code,id_token \
--allowed-scopes openid,offline,demo \
--callbacks http://localhost:3500/callback
In a console, run the consent app
cd consent
go run consent.go
In another console, run the client app
cd client
go run client.go
Then, open the browser:
open http://localhost:3500/
Now follow the steps described in the browser. If you encounter an error, use the browser's back button to get back to the last screen.