IntelliJ IDEA plugin for PlantUML
This plugin provides integration with popular PlantUML diagramming tool
Author: Eugene Steinberg
- PlantUML tool window renders PlantUML source code under caret in currently selected editor
- Supports multiple sources per file
- Supports pagination and zoom
- Can copy diagram to clipboard or export as PNG, EPS or SVG, ASCII Art
- Caching and incremental rendering
- PlantUML code must be inside @startuml and @enduml tags to be rendered.
- To be able to generate many diagram types, you must have Graphviz
installed on your machine. For Windows, use Development version, not Stable 2.38 - that one is very old. You have to select your OS/Release and then go in
tab to get .exe file or zip. About screen tests your installation.
- Project setup: gif mp4
- debug logs can be enabled by adding '#org.plantuml' to [Help | Debug Log Settings]
- Current production branch
- deprecated branch, to be deleted
- Contains new experimental syntax support
- Grammar classes can be generated using tools/
- This script can run automatically when you run the plugin using "Plugin" Run/Debug configuration. Just add the script above as an external tool and make it run before the "Make" step.