This is an experimental POC part of a demo presented in Decentralize This hackaton.
Pockets is a Bitcoin based hierarchical wallet application offering advanced rule sets to manage relationships and balances.
Getting started is easy, clone this repository and build the project.
$ git clone
$ cd pockets
$ npm install && bower install
$ npm run build
We used ionic as the framework for building the Pockets app. In order to use the emulator, please follow these steps after you clone the repository.
$ npm install -g cordova ionic
$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic build ios
$ ionic emulate ios
Since Pockets is a client-side only application/system, this means you can load the entire thing within your browser.
Navigate to file:///<where-you-installed>/pockets/app/www/index.html
You should be able to start the Start page.
To deploy the application to your phone simply download and install the apk
from platforms/android/ant-build/pockets.apk
The application should now be available in your phone menu.
Pockets uses a simple JSON structure to describe the pocket collection and the relationship between sibling pockets.
name: 'root',
pockets: {
savings: {
name: 'savings',
level_ratio: 0.5, //limit pension to 50% of the level
pockets: {
house: {
name: 'house'
pension: {
name: 'pension',
level_ratio: 0.7 //limit pension to 70% of the level
ongoing: {
name: 'ongoing',
pockets: {
rent: {
name: 'rent',
limit: 2.5 //limit rent to 2.5 btc
food: {
name: 'food',
name: 'vitamins'
name: 'beer'
Pockets monitors the wallets in the collection for any balance updates, when a new update is discovered, Pockets will balance the collection according to the logic defined.
- HD wallets
- Better test coverage and use cases
- Minor bug fixes
- Support for using your existing wallet via import
- Security and authentication mechanism
- Backup/restore capability
Copyright (c) 2015 Joola Smart Solutions. MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.