Knockout binding for autocomplete.
How to use the Knockout Autocompletet binding in 6 simple ways.
Get the binding from nuget and install it: Install-package KnockoutAutocomplete
Reference the ko.autocomplete.js file to your site and css:
<script src="~/Scripts/ko.autocomplete.js"></script> -
Add a element that uses the binding: (Configuration) A url that should return a list of json. Items should contain a "id" property and a "label" property A selectCallback function that will be executed when clicking (selecting a item)
<input type="text" data-bind="autoComplete: search, settings: { url : '/My/Service/ReturnJson', selectCallback : selectItemCallback}"/>
Add a observable property for your viewmodel = ko.observable('').extend({ throttle: 300 });
Adding a throttle so we dont make a request to the server each keypress
Add a function to your viewmodel that will be executed when clicking ( selecting an item) self.selectItemCallback = function(data) { //dosomething with the selected item console.log(data); }