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About This Project

This library is for anyone who wants to use NGRX in their project, but doesn't want to go through the insane headache of managing all the actions, reducers, entities, selectors, effects and stores.

The goal of this project is to add all that functionality to your project with less than 5 lines of code (including config).

Table of Contents


Check it out in action on stackblitz


To install, run npm i @woahn/ezngrx --save

The project also has the following dependencies @ngrx/effects @ngrx/entity @ngrx/router-store @ngrx/store @ngrx-devtools ngrx-store-logger

Quick Start

In your Angular AppModule

You'll need to add the dependency, create the config file, and pass it in as a parameter to .forRoot on the module

import { DynamicNgrxModule, DynamicStoreConfig } from '@woahn/ezngrx';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

const config: DynamicStoreConfig = {
  entities: [
    { entity: 'Todo', },
  • Import the configuration to the .forRoot method on the DynamicNgrxModule
  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Usage in templates and services

In your templates and services, the main thing you'll need to do is import the DynamicFacadeService. You pass in the interface you're working with, as well as the entity name, and it will return a facade for that particular entity. You'll access all your required functions for the entity through the facade.

The example code below demonstrates how to access the entity observable, as well as dispatch two simple actions.

export class AppComponent {
  @ViewChild('todoInput', { static: false }) todoInput!: ElementRef;
  todos$: Observable<Todo[]>;
  private todoFacade: DynamicFacade<Todo>;
    private facadeService: DynamicFacadeService,
  ) {
    this.todoFacade = this.facadeService.getFacade<Todo>('Todos');
    this.todos$ = this.todoFacade.entities$;

  addTodo(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
    if (event.keyCode !== 13 ) { return; }

    const todo: Todo = {
      id: this.uuid(),
      text: this.todoInput.nativeElement.value,

    this.todoInput.nativeElement.value = '';

  removeItem(todo: Todo): void {

  private uuid() {
    return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
        var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
        return v.toString(16);



This library is well suited for anyone that wants to use NGRX to manage large amount of entities, and wants standard CRUD type functionality with those entities.

The main benefits of this library, out of the box, are:

  • Immediate connectivity of Redux Dev Tools
  • Detailed Action Logging
  • Offline Sync
  • Add fully operational state entities with a single line of code
  • Full CRUD functionality for all entities
  • All entity adaptors accessible
  • Easily connect with external data providers and API's


The DynamicNgrxModule accepts a config object <DynamicStoreConfig> upon import.


Property Type Description
entities EntityConfig[] Array of entity configs
syncEntities string[] If you have additional entities managed by NGRX that are not being managed by Dynamic NGRX, add them here and it will ensure the data gets persisted (i.e. auth or personal account settings)
enableOfflineSync boolean Defaults to false. If you set this to true, all the Dynamic NGRX entities will be synchronized to localstorage
enableLogging boolean Defaults to true


Property Type Description
entity string The name of the entity as you want it to exist in your state. Capitalization is important here
entityKey string If the key in your entity is something other than id
dataService Angular Service An Angular Injectable() service that extends the <DefaultDataService>. The data service you add will access your remote server settings. If this is left blank, then Dynamic NGRX will bypass any remote connections, and store the data immediately to the state
persist boolean Defaults to true. Set to false if you don't want this entity to persists to localstorage


The default data service handles the effects for every entity, unless otherwise specified. As described in EntityConfig, you can extend the default data service to integrate with an external API to handle the actions.

more readme to come ...


  • Convert offline mode to work with IndexedDB instead of Localstorage
  • Depending on popularity, testing


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