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Hi 👋, I'm Jônatas Oliveira

Hire Me

Click here and schedule one meet with me


Future Projects

Personal Finances API to manage your finances with Python/FastAPI API, CLI Tui/Rust, Front Vue/Ts and Mobile Flutter/Dart

Game Project Create plataform game (Godot or Bevy).

A little more about me...

jonatas = dict(
    pronouns: ("He",  "Him",),
    code: ["Python", "Javascript", "Lua", "Rust", "ShellScript"],
    askMeAbout: ["APIs", "Microservice", "Vue", "Docker/Kubernetes", "Tilling Managers", "NeoVim", "Shin Megami Tensei"],
    technologies: dict(
        backEnd: {
            "python": ["FastAPI", "Flask", "Django"],
	    "rust": ["Actix"],
        frontEnd: {
            "js": ["Vue", "Nuxt", "Svelte"],
            "css": ["materialize", "vuetify", "bootstrap", "tailwind"]
	script: ["lua", "shell script"]
        devOps: ["AWS", "GCP", "Docker🐳", "Kubernetes", "Kong", "Hashicorp", "Concourse", "Gitlab"],
        databases: ["postgres", "MySql", "Oracle", "SQLServer", "Sybase", "sqlite", "Redis", "Elastic"],
    architecture: ["Monolithic", "Microservice", "Serverless Architecture", "Progressive web applications", "Single page applications"],
    currentFocus: "Web Development",

Connect with me:

devjonatas jonatasoliveirame

Pinned Loading

  1. fast-ecommerce-back fast-ecommerce-back Public

    Ecommerce application

    Python 19 9

  2. canal-dev-jonatas canal-dev-jonatas Public

    Repositório com códigos dos vídeos e sugestões de novos vídeos


  3. fast-ecommerce-front fast-ecommerce-front Public

    Fast ecommerce front

    Vue 3 4

  4. finances-mono finances-mono Public

    Stack Objective: API Rust - Web Vue - TUI Druid - Desktop TAURI - Mobile Flutter
