STMicroelectronics SensorTile / Watson IoT Platform Workshop
Join the workshops on these dates / cities:
- Sept 6, 2017 - ST Developer Conference - Santa Clara
- Sept 14, 2017 - ST Technology Tour - Boston
- Oct 18, 2017 - ST Technology Tour - Toronto
This workshop details the Developer experience using the ST Microelectronics SensorTile and IBM Watson IoT Platform. You will create an IBM Bluemix IoT Cloud Foundry application that displays and analyzes ST Micro SensorTile sensor data using Quickstart and Node-RED.
In this workshop, we will connect a ST Microelectronics SensorTile device to IBM Bluemix and Watson IoT Platform. We will send and graph temperature and gesture data to the Watson IoT Quickstart and registered devices. Watson IoT Platform will report the SensorTile gesture events in a Node-RED Dashboard.
The workshop materials include a PDF and several Node-RED flows.