This is a Terraform module which maps an AWS SNS topic name to a Webex Teams channel. The AWS Lambda function code it uses is derived from robbwagoner/aws-lambda-sns-to-webex-teams and the terraform code is shameslly stolen / ported from builtinnya/aws-sns-slack-terraform.
The supported features are:
- Posting AWS SNS notifications to Webex Teams channels
- Building necessary AWS resources by Terraform automatically
- Customizable topic-to-channel map
aws-sns-webex-teams-terraform is a Terraform module. You just need to include the module in one of your Terraform scripts and set up SNS topics and permissions. See examples/ for concrete examples.
module "sns_to_webex_teams" {
source = ""
webex_teams_bearer_token = "abc123"
webex_teams_channel_map = "{\"production-notices\": \"Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vMDA2ZjYzNzAtMWJlOS0xMWU4LTljNTUtOTMzZmEzYWJkNjYy\"}"
# The following variables are optional.
lambda_function_name = "sns-to-webex-teams"
resource "aws_sns_topic" "testing_webex_teams_alarms" {
name = "testingWebexTeams-notices"
resource "aws_lambda_permission" "allow_lambda_sns_to_webex_teams" {
statement_id = "AllowSNSToWebexTeamsExecutionFromSNS"
action = "lambda:invokeFunction"
function_name = "${module.sns_to_webex_teams.lambda_function_arn}"
principal = ""
source_arn = "${aws_sns_topic.testing_webex_teams_alarms.arn}"
resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "lambda_sns_to_webex_teams" {
topic_arn = "${aws_sns_topic.testing_webex_teams_alarms.arn}"
protocol = "lambda"
endpoint = "${module.sns_to_webex_teams.lambda_function_arn}"
Variable | Description | Required | Default |
webex_teams_channel_map | Topic-to-channel mapping string in JSON. | yes | |
lambda_function_name | AWS Lambda function name for the Webex Teams notifier | no | "sns-to-webex-teams" |
lambda_iam_role_name | IAM role name for lambda functions. | no | "lambda-sns-to-webex-teams" |
lambda_iam_policy_name | IAM policy name for lambda functions. | no | "lambda-sns-to-webex-teams-policy" |
Variable | Description |
lambda_function_arn | AWS Lambda notifier function ARN. |
The minimal example is located at examples/minimal. It builds no extra AWS resources except a CloudWatch alarm for AWS Lambda's duration metric.
Move to the examples/minimal directory.
$ cd examples/minimal
and fill in the values.$ cp secrets.tfvars.example secrets.tfvars $ # Edit secrets.tfvars using your favorite editor.
region = "<region>" webex_teams_bearer_token = "abc123"
Execute the following commands to build resources using Terraform.
$ terraform init $ terraform plan -var-file=terraform.tfvars -var-file=secrets.tfvars $ terraform apply -var-file=terraform.tfvars -var-file=secrets.tfvars
To destory AWS resources created by the above steps, execute the following command in examples/minimal
$ terraform destroy -var-file=terraform.tfvars -var-file=secrets.tfvars
To test notification, use awscli cloudwatch set-alarm-state
as following.
aws cloudwatch set-alarm-state \
--alarm-name lambda-duration \
--state-value ALARM \
--state-reason xyzzy
The main AWS Lambda function code is located in sns-to-webex-teams/ directory. To prepare development, you need to create virtualenv for this project and install required pip packages as following.
$ virtualenv sns-to-webex-teams/virtualenv
$ source sns-to-webex-teams/virtualenv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r sns-to-webex-teams/requirements.txt
You need to create module/lambda/ to update the code as following.
$ source sns-to-webex-teams/virtualenv/bin/activate # if you haven't yet
$ ./
To test the function locally, just run with some environment variables.
CHANNEL_MAP=`echo '{"production-notices": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vMDA2ZjYzNzAtMWJlOS0xMWU4LTljNTUtOTMzZmEzYWJkNjYy"}' | base64` \
python sns-to-webex-teams/
Copyright © 2018 John Dyer
Distributed under the Apache license version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for full details.