Download Github Repo
npm install
to install all dependencies
npm run dev
to run the website locally
create .env.local file with all the enviroment variables, or download it from google drive, DRIVE/SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT/CURTIS/Files/.env.local
and place the file in the root of the project
React - Base Framework Next.js - Framework build on React with full stack features
React Redux / Redux-toolkit - Sitewide states and actions
next-auth - Authentication
Three.js - In Browser 3D rendering react-three/fiber react-three/drei react-three/postprocessing
Next-ui - simple UI framework
xlsx - Excel Spreadsheet data parser and writer
Users have 3 main components
- Items
- Packages
- Orders
Items are stock items, (i.e. Lamp) Items have
Name, ID, Width, Height, Depth, Weight
Orders are a collection of Items
Name, ID, Items
Packages are what postage options are available Postage options have
Name, ID, Width, Height, Depth, Max Weight
Users first add there stock items.
Then they choose which items they'd like to send, and add it to an order.
Once all the orders are done, they add which postage options they'd like.
Then calculate the results for the orders.
They can then compare the Results by Empty Volume, Cost, etc. They can also view a 3D visual of the Items in the Postage Option.
3D Items:
- Visualizer
- 3DBox
- Visual Controls
- Contact Form
- Add Item (Used for Items, Postage, and Orders)
- Order Form
- Upload Excel
- Mobile menu
- Side Menu
- Main Navigation bar
- Modal
- Login
- Card
- Custom Table
- Results Table
Home Page
WIP, to have graphs, costs, etc
A table with all available items, forms to add items, upload excel sheets and delete items.
A list of all orders to be calculated
All available postage options, add postage options, add preset options
Change decimal places, Measurement units, etc
Sends the data to the Packing algorigthm
3D visual of a selected result
Send through feedback that gets Emailed to us
WIP to have version history and changelog
WIP written tutorials with screenshots on how to use
This file is for running the Python locally
This file writes the incoming packing data to JSON files (input.JSON) first
Then it runs the python file and waits for a response
Then it writes the response to output.JSON
This file simply calls the AWS lambda function and waits for a response
Stores user data such as: Items, Order, Postage, Measurement Units, so that they can be accessed through the whole site.
- Bulk orders are currently working.
- AWS api is connected and working with the example data
- Authentication isn't fully setup (Login/Logout)
- Setting: haven't implemented changing measurement units and weight units
- Technical Documents
- Clean up code
- Connect Contact form
- Add in Template file for people to download
- Export results to a excel sheet
- Fill out Help pages
- Finish setting up Logins, and a database for storing user data
- Get results into a dashboard
- Connect email server to contact form
- Option to send through results to an email
- Go through this github and merge some features with current code, (Floating Items fix, Load bearing limits, priority items) [] 3D-bin-packing-master(ImprovedPyCode)
- Add more Preset postage options
- Have options for number of boxes(only one box, two boxes etc.)
- Have limit for number of orders + results - need to limit if too many requests
- Show details of results in the Visual page
- Color code the different orders, and postage options
- Bug when displaying different options, outline isn't re-rendered
- When Items are rotated they aren't properly rotated around an axis, causing rotated object to apear outside the box