Official Docker Container for Awtrix2 Host in collaboration with Blueforcer.
The Container is based on the anapsix/alpine-java:8_JDK image.
It has an autoupdate feature witch will get the latest Host from the Awtrix Site on a restart from the Container.
docker run --name AwTriX2 -p 7000:7000 -p 7001:7001 -p 5568:5568/udp --restart always -e TZ=Europe/Berlin whyet/awtrix2:latest
-p 80:80 For Amazon Alexa Support you need this Port. If This Port is already used this can be changed in the config file.
-v pwd:/data
If you want AWTRIX to automatically display some apps like DayOfTheWeek in your local language/format (e.g. "Sonntag" instead of "Sunday") you can specify this with an eviroment variable.
-e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Duser.language=de"
Where de
is your two-letter language code. (see ISO 639-2)
And DE
is your two-letter country code. (see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)