This is a package based on JohannesSteu.Bootstrap.GridSystem and implements a grid system based on a flexbox approach. This Package also bundles stylesheets and uses therefore flexboxgrid /
Just install it via composer
composer require johannessteu/neos-flexboxgrid
or just copy this package in YOUR_ROOT/Applications/JohannesSteu.Neos.FlexBoxGrid
Afterwards the Root.ts2 will be auto-included in your main TypoScript. Otherwise use
include: resource://JohannesSteu.Neos.FlexBoxGrid/Private/TypoScript/Root.ts2
in your Root.ts2.
Inside your Template you need to include the stylesheets:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{f:uri.resource(package: 'JohannesSteu.Neos.FlexBoxGrid', path: 'Styles/flexboxgrid.min.css')}" media="all">
inside your head-Section. You could also include in your distribution the npm module flexboxgrid
and use those files.
To use this plugin just create a new ContentElement inside your page and choose one of the new types. The Inspector-Pane will give you access to all different layouts and settings. For further informations about usage check JohannesSteu.Bootstrap.GridSystem