A fundamental rule of making gains in the stock market is to buy stock when it's low in value and sell at a later date when it is higher in value. This java program pulls stock market data from finance.yahoo.com, parses it and makes calculations on it. Most notably, it takes the 52 week low of a certain stock tracker and compares that against the current price.
The main class handles the console menu options and scans for user input. It pulls up stocks that make up the dow jones and S&P 500 that are within 10% of thier 52 week low seperated by sectors (All, Health Care, Inustrial, Tech, Consumer, Financial, etc..). In the future I would like to add historical data in order to test how this strategy would work if I had traded on it 100 days ago. For now it just pulls up todays date and current time.The HtmlParser class has the method parser that reads html from each stock's yahoo page and get's current price and 52 week low. It feeds the tracker symbol, price and low to the class Operator which has the method operate that calculates the % of 52 week low and determines if that is 10% of lower. The ouput is printed out in console, the results are recorded to CSV format using the CSVUtil class, and passed on to a GUI that I have made. The App class has all of the GUI code made Using JAVAFX.
-Joe Kurokawa [email protected]