BlackRock Task project.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
See project notes and requirements in Google Doc.
- Clone repository
- To run backend server from project root run
npm install
npm run dev
- Project will now be running on localhost on specified port. likely http://localhost:1234
- To run front end (create react app) navigate to blackrock directory (we are no longer using src directory), install dependencies, and start project.
cd blackrock
npm install
npm start
- Front end app will be running on port 3000. http://localhost:3000/
- Ideally both front and backend should be able to run at the same time for local development purposes.
- Ensure Docker is installed and Running
- Create a Docker image with an identifiable tag/title
docker build -t BlackRock:v1 .
# or
docker build -t [yourusername]/blackrock .
#blackrock is lowercase because Docker will yell at you if it isn't
- Check the list of images
docker images
- Run Docker Container
docker run -p 80:3000 <IMAGE_ID_FROM#3>
The application will be avaiable via the browser at http://localhost.
Open another terminal window and run the following commands
# in order to list all running containers
docker ps
# stop docker
docker stop
(dependencies worth noting)
- ParcelJS - a web application bundler
- CreateReactApp - for creating single-page React Applications
- Redux - state container for JavaScript Apps
- ExpressJS - minimalist web framework for NodeJS
- Docker - securely build, share, and run modern applications anywhere