Summary: This project aims to code a C library regrouping usual functions that you'll be use for all your next projects (sic) 🇫🇷
is our first project at 42, which builds upon the basic C skills learned in the Piscine. The goal is to write and compile a library of functions that reproduce the behaviour of some standard library functions which many take for granted (next up is ft_printf
...), along with a few custom functions for use throughout our 42 journey.
See en.subject.pdf for further details.
Testing against
Function | Status | Notes |
libc | ------ | |
ft_isalpha | tests passing | |
ft_isdigit | tests passing | |
ft_isalnum | tests passing | |
ft_isascii | tests passing | |
ft_isprint | tests passing | |
ft_strlen | tests passing | |
ft_memset | tests passing | |
ft_bzero | tests passing | |
ft_memcpy | tests passing | does it need NULL check on dest/src? per gh/Yaten (passing = I guess not) |
ft_memmove | tests passing | |
ft_strlcpy | tests passing | |
ft_strlcat | tests passing | |
ft_toupper | tests passing | |
ft_tolower | tests passing | |
ft_strchr | tests passing | |
ft_strrchr | tests passing | |
ft_strncmp | tests passing | |
ft_memchr | tests passing | |
ft_memcmp | tests passing | |
ft_strnstr | tests passing | |
ft_atoi | tests passing | |
ft_calloc | tests passing | minor size_t mystery (byte size of entire memory space? undefined?) |
ft_strdup | tests passing | |
additional | ||
ft_substr | tests passing | |
ft_strjoin | tests passing | |
ft_strtrim | tests passing | |
ft_split | f | |
ft_itoa | f | mega timeout city |
ft_strmapi | f | |
ft_striteri | f | |
ft_putchar_fd | tests passing | |
ft_putstr_fd | tests passing | |
ft_putendl_fd | tests passing | |
ft_putnbr_fd | tests passing | |
bonus | ||
ft_lstnew | tests passing | |
ft_lstadd_front | f | |
ft_lstsize | tests passing | |
ft_lstlast | tests passing | |
ft_lstadd_back | check | |
ft_lstdelone | check | |
ft_lstclear | check | |
ft_lstiter | check | |
ft_lstmap | check |