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a Laravel package that generates & binds repository pattern files for any given model


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Repository pattern generator

This package helps you get started quickly to use repository pattern in your next, or current, laravel project because after watching those laracon videos (which by the way are A LOT :p) that talks about design patterns and SOLID principals you became all hipped to try and adapt them, at least i'm :D.


Using this package will help you spend more time focusing on your application's logic by taking care of generating and implementing a layer that sits between the logic and the database. It generates:

  • Repository Contract: which is an empty interface that can be used to add custom methods to the repository implementation class so you can extend the functionalities, it's also used during binding process.

  • Implementation Class: a class in which the repository logic reside, it implements the generated contract.

Note: for now, the minimum laravel version this package is tested on is 5.5

composer require inz/repository

if you using laravel 5.4 and below, you need to add the package's service provider in config/app.php

'providers' => [

then, you need to publish the configuration file so the package can do it's work properly:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=inz-repository

this will copy the package's configuration file into config folder of the application, more about it in configuration section

The configuration file for the package contains a group of settings which can be modified to satisfy your needs, they have a hopefully clear comments that describes their purposes.

    | Base Values
    | this array give you the ability to define base path & namespace to be used by the package,
    | path is used to create the base directory in which all generated files are stored, on
    | the other hand, namespace is used to define the base namespace for those files.
    | Note that (in the comments) the anti-slash for namespace required when defining it's value.
    'base' => [
        'path' => app_path(), // 'app folder' which is the best choice
        'namespace' => app()->getNamespace(), // 'App\' which is the best choice
        'providers' => [
            'path' => app_path(),
            'namespace' => app()->getNamespace(),
  • path is used to create root directory for the files.
  • namespace is used to set a namespace for the file.
  • providers array where you set the base path and namespace of the providers in your application so the package can determine where and under what it should define the repository service provider.
    | Namespaces
    | this array define the namespaces related to each category of the generated classes
    | by the package, you can re-define these values to control under what namespace
    | the these classes should reside.
    | Note that anti-slash in the end is not set so make sure you don't add it.
    'namespaces' => [
        'contracts' => 'Repositories\Contracts',
        'implementations' => 'Repositories\Implementations',
  • namespaces array determines the namespaces for different files, note that App\ is not present because it will be added if specified.
    | Paths
    | this array defines the path for each category of the generated classes by the package,
    | you can re-define these values to control where the files should be stored, by
    | default they are stored in the application directory.
    | Note that anti-slash in the end is not set so make sure you don't add it.
    'paths' => [
        'contracts' => 'Repositories/Contracts',
        'implementations' => 'Repositories/Implementations',
  • paths array determines the paths for different files, Repositories represent the root directory for them and what goes after the slash is the directory for those files, note that app/ is not present because it will be added if specified.

To generate a full scaffold, you run

// the pattern
php artisan make:repository Model

// for a model in app directory
php artisan make:repository Post

// for a model in Models folder
php artisan make:repository Models/Post

// for a model in Models folder in a subdirectory
php artisan make:repository Models/Blog/Post


  • if the model doesn't exist, you will be asked if you want to create it, if so it will be created.

  • If one of the other files exist already you will be asked to override it, if so it will, thus be careful about this situation to avoid losing written code.

  • This command will bind the classes also.

  • Don't forget to register the RepositoryServiceProvider in app.php after it is generated.

to bind a contract class to an implementation of a certain model, use the command:

php artisan bind:repository Model
  • using the model name, the package can determine the corresponding contract and implementation classes

    Currently, the package will not check if the classes (model, contract or implementation) exist, this will be fixed in the upcoming version.

  • if the service provider doesn't exist it will create one
  • if the repository is already bound it won't complete the process.

In Inz\Base\Abstractions\Repository you can find the implementation of Inz\Base\Interfaces\RepositoryInterface that describes the methods used to access the database.

Properties Why
protected $model; model instance used to query data
protected $attributes; attributes list of the model, also the list of columns of the table, excluding the ones in $excludedColumns.
protected $excludedColumns; to define the columns that will be excluded when the repository object operates on the table, to add other columns to this array just override it in your repository implementation class.

Here is the list of available methods of the repository class:

Note: Repository class should be implemented the way you desire, so use the interface to define the blueprint for it and implement additional methods or override existing ones in the concrete class.

Method Parameters Return Description
all(); array cols default ['*'] Collection similar to all() of eloquent model
first(); Model instance or null similar to first() of eloquent model
find(); mixed id Model instance or null similar to find() of eloquent model
findWhere(); String column, mixed value & String operator Collection finds all records that match the condition of where clause
findFirstWhere(); String column, mixed value & String operator Model instance or null finds the first record that matches the condition of where clause
paginate(); int count default 10 LengthAwarePaginator instance similar to paginate() of eloquent model
save(); array data = [column => value] boolean creates a new instance based on the passed data and persist it to storage
update(); int id & array data = [column => value] boolean updates a record based on the passed data and persist it to storage, if the record doesn't exist false is returned
delete(); int id boolean similar to delete() of eloquent model
count(); int similar to count() of eloquent model

To handle trashed records of the table (if using soft delete trait in the model), use trait Inz\Base\Traits\TrashedOperations in repository implementation class, it contains this set of methods:

Method Parameters Return Description
allTrashed(); array cols default ['*'] Collection returns soft-deleted records only
allWithTrashed(); array cols default ['*'] Collection returns the whole records of the table
firstTrashed(); Model instance or null fetches the first record from trashed ones only
findTrashed(); mixed id Model instance or null fetches a record of the passed id from trashed ones only
findWithTrashed(); mixed id Model instance or null fetches a record of the passed id from the whole table
countTrashed(); int returns the count of trashed records in the table
countWithTrashed() int returns the count of all records in the table
restore(); mixed id boolean restore a soft-deleted record in trashed ones
erase(); mixed id boolean permanently deletes a record from the table

Feel free to make any pull request, any contribution is welcomed. If you encountered a problem, use the issues section.


a Laravel package that generates & binds repository pattern files for any given model








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