A tiny blogging platform that lets you write posts in Google Docs and syncs with a Google Drive directory.
This project is directly based upon the amazing Octopress project. However, I wanted a way to keep writing my posts in Google Docs, which is a good place to write & retain blog posts, and publish a Octopress blog out them. This project is a way forward, towards scratching that itch.
HexoPress is a web layer that authenticates the user with google, takes their blog posts from a folder in their google drive, generate a static blog out of it and serves them at a URL.
Install dependencies:
- Pandoc - http://pandoc.org/
- Ruby - http://rvm.io/
- Git - https://git-scm.com/
- Bundler -
gem install bundler
- Octopress - http://octopress.org
- Redis - http://redis.org
Clone the repo $ git clone https://github.com/joelewis/hexopress
Create a python virtual env and install python dependencies into it.
$ virtualenv --distribute venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup an Octopress instance - http://octopress.org/docs/setup/.
Rename hexopress/sample_settings.py
to hexopress/settings.py
Edit settings.py
to suit yours.
Run Interface Server:
daphne hexopress.asgi:channel_layer -b -p 8000
Run workers for websockets/http handling:
python manage.py runworker -v 2
Run celery worker:
celery -A hexopress worker
Now, pointing your browser to http://localhost:8000 should land it to your dev instance.
Edit settings.py to match your production config especially settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS, settings.HOST and settings.CLIENT_SECRET (for google auth)
Use a process manager like supervisord to manage your processes.
Sample supervisord config
command = sh daphne.sh
stdout_logfile = /home/username/daphne.log
redirect_stderr = true
directory = /home/username/hexopress
command = sh worker.sh
stdout_logfile = /home/username/worker.log
redirect_stderr = true
directory = /home/username/hexopress
command = sh celery.sh
stdout_logfile = /home/username/celery.log
redirect_stderr = true
directory = /home/username/hexopress
Make sure to run python manage.py migrate
once before starting the server. Without this your database will have no tables created yet.