Bosch Thermotechnology plans to use REST Hooks to notify B2B clients about status events like system failures of connected heating appliances. Such an event-driven approach ensures sending the right notification to the right application at the time it occurs. Before a client can receive notifications, the client needs to register a new REST Hook. For this purpose, Bosch Thermotechnology plans to develop a service for the management of REST Hooks.
- Java 17
- Spring Boot as the application framework
- Spring WebFlux as the reactive web framework
- H2 Database as the database
- Project Lombok library to reduce boilerplate code
- MapStruct as the object mapper converter
- OpenAPI 3.0 as the API documentation
- Java 17 installed
You can use the generated .jar file in the root folder or create a new one using the maven wrapper.
To pack the project, you need to execute the command below.
./mvnw clean package
java -jar heating-monitor-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Nothing needs to be done to set up the database. The project uses the H2 database.
Due to a potential issue between the H2 web interface and Spring WebFlux, the database cannot be accessed via the web interface.
The database will be created when the application is started in the same directory as the jar file.
The API documentation is available at the following file: