Software development is 99% using Google+StackOverflow. Let's speed that up.
It uses complex machine learning algorithms to figure out what you are looking for (thanks to Google Search) and the vast knowledge of the software development community (that's the StackOverflow bit) to give you fast answers for your coding questions.
Works well for anything you expect to find a snippet on stackoverflow.
npm i -g glowpro
glowpro <something something something>
$ glowpro how to reverse an array in JS
var a = [3,5,7,8];
a.reverse(); // 8 7 5 3
$ glowpro flexbox align center | pbcopy
$ `glowpro install brew`
A Google Search for your query filtering for, goes there, selects the first code block and prints it. Hopefully it will be from the accepted answer. We drop the complex machine learning jargon on the description to make it sound cool but the code is still very simple to read ;)
I'd like to see you opening a browser typing clicking on the first stackoverflow answer going there and copying the first code block faster than this :P.
Yes, probably swapping puppeteer for request+cheerio. That will be v1.1.